Movie Night with a Modern Frankenstein

It’s movie game night again! Samantha wants Remoy to watch a movie, and he guesses his way to the title of the movie. Play along to get a great movie recommendation that explores MASKulinity.
  • Remoy guesses his way to this Oscar-winning movie with a modern Frankenstein story. Themes of liberation and control abound!
  • First, they once again distill MASKulinity - what is it again? And why are we talking about it?
  • This movie explores power and gender in an absurdist and comical way, which allows for a complete abandonment of social conventions. No apologies, no social conventions - it’s a delight!
    • No conventions means no prescriptions, which—you guessed it!—leaves the MASKuline characters in this movie in a dangle of confusion and frustration.
    • Remoy	gives us the literati background of the movie, giving us insight into the story this movie is based on and its author
  • What is it about women’s liberation that challenges men’s masculinity?
    • Samantha and Remoy discuss how the story pulls us in to pose this ever-relevant question.
  • Literati and Marvel at the same time? We’ll let you figure out the context on that one.
  • MASKulinity comes in all shapes and sizes in this flick.
    • What does this movie want to leave us with in terms of gender? And why?
    • Samantha tells us why she recommended this film and ponders who it’s intended for.
  • What movies have you seen that explore the performance of masculinity? Send them to us! We’ll be discussing it on a future episode and you might get a chance to be on Beneath the MASK 🎭!

Referenced in this episode:



The Matriarchy Episode


B-Ball and the Gender Flex: Then & Now