MASKulinity Podcast

Podcast exploring masculinity, manhood, and patriarchy from a gender equity lens.

Presented by

We’re presented by Next Gen Men, a Canadian nonprofit dedicated to changing how the world sees, acts on, and thinks about masculinity.

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MASKulinity (n.): behaviors that uphold traditional masculinity at the expense of one’s authenticity

Synonyms: hypermasculinity; toxic masculinity; manbox

Meet Your Hosts

Remoy Philip is the true definition of a modern-day Renaissance soul, effortlessly juggling the roles of radio & film producer, fiction writer, reporter, and overall creative extraordinaire. With a twinkle in his eye and a pocket full of storytelling magic, he's the mastermind behind some dynamic audio adventures and documentary gems.

Samantha Nzessi just wants everyone to get along…equitably! A combination of French, Cameroonian, and Bay Area-flavored American, she writes to work through the impact of gender expectations in human relationships. Through her travels and personal experiences, Samantha saw a common denominator across the globe in outdated patriarchal norms dictating the way humans live and resolved to understand and expose this dynamic across various aspects of personal and social life.

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